Permission to Reside in Bermuda is required by every Work Permit holder or spouse of a Bermudian staying for over 3 months.
A temporary work permit holder does not require Permission to Reside.
MoneyShop ServiceThe MoneyShop will assist you with all the documents required.
A lot of information is required and is usually ready within 2=3 weeks from Department of Immigration with a complete application.
Your requirements for a Permission to Reside application will include:
1. Completed Application form (we will assist)
2. 2 photos with name on back (Kit n Caboodle has right sizes)
3. Passport of self and spouse
4. Marriage Certificate
5. Birth certificate of spouse
6. Full length chest Xray
7. Police Report from country of origin
8. Medical report from country of origin
9. Transcript of qualifications if appropriate
10. Professional reference
11. Any other information that may be advised by MoneyShop.